Wednesday, April 29, 2015

5 Writing Tips

Author Lisa Jewell shares five writing tips on how to write a book. I really liked tips 3-5!


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Freelance Writing Jobs

Are you interested in writing? Freelance writing is a great way to go. It gives you a taste of what writing is like and you get some money along the way. Some people are able to make a full-time living writing freelance.

If this is something you are considering, I strongly recommend this site as a starting point. There are loads of resources and you will find opportunities to write.


Friday, April 24, 2015

Scrivener for Writing

Many writers assume you have to write with Microsoft Word but you don't have to. There are other options. Many writers like to use a program called Scrivener for writing. The attraction for this program is it takes away all the bells and whistles and lets you focus on writing.

You can find a free mini-course on Scrivener here that may give you a sense of whether this is something for you.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Writers and Editors

Writers and editors do not always feel like they are on the same team. There can be frustration on both sides. I know this from being on both sides of the fence.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

I found this great post by Gavin Ortlund that gives very helpful advice for the writer-editor relationship. It is definitely worth reading.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Write Canada - 2015

For those who are interested in writing for the Christian market, you might be interested in the Write Canada conference. This is Canada's largest Christian writing conference and it has lots of helpful workshops. It will be taking place on June 11-13, 2015.

Friday, April 10, 2015

How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy

Some great advice from David Butler on how to write science fiction and fantasy. Much of what he has to say is applicable to other genres as well.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Kindle Deals for Writers

Here are some more Kindle deals that writers might be interested in. I need to remind you that the prices listed are those that were at the time of this post and may change over time.

Anti-Procastination for Writers by Akash Karia - $2.99

Writing a Kindle Book a Week by Alex Foster - $2.99

7 Step System for Writing Your Story by Casey Keller - $2.99

Freelance Writing on the Side by Joshua Slone - $2.99

How to Write Poetry by Cynthia Sharp - $2.99

Don't own a Kindle? Download the app!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Finding Your Voice

You know that famous author who really inspires you? You are not them. So why do you try and write like them?

One of the most difficult aspects of writing is finding your voice. You start writing because you believe you have something to say. But when it comes to seeking publication, you feel pressured to say what the editor wants you to say. You have lost your voice.

This is exactly what Les Edgerton seeks to solve in his book, Finding Your Voice. Edgerton speaks from a career of both writing and teaching. He has seen over and over people trading in their real voice for a "beige voice" that pleases nobody.

One of the things that I enjoyed about the book is that he navigates between using other authors as inspiration and speaking in your own voice. You will notice right away that Edgerton writes in his own voice and does not care if you like it.

The goal of the writer is not to invent a voice that an audience will like but to find an audience that will like your real voice.

You can get this book very cheap, and I would encourage you to pick it up.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Not Just a Writer

You may have felt the call of writing since you were a child. Your passion is writing that special article or exciting novel. You live firmly in the world of the creative.

There was a time when that was enough. Once your book was in the hands of the publisher, you showed up for the book signings and collected your royalty cheques.

Those days are gone.

The book industry has enough financial difficulties that it cannot take on the full burden of marketing. Of course they do marketing, but the expectation is that the author will share in the work. With social media and blogging, there is no excuse for the author not be involved in the marketing.

So what should you do?

Before you finish that next great novel, start building your platform. Create a website. Seek fans on Facebook and followers on Twitter. Make as many connections as possible. In this new world, showing the size of your social media presence will likely be a strong consideration for your book to be published.

You may want to be just a writer, but this publishing world is going to require that you be involved in marketing as well.

Saturday, April 4, 2015