Thursday, July 2, 2015

Looking for Freelance Gigs?

If you are just starting out, you need a couple of things. You need experience and you need some jobs. The more experience you get, the easier it will be to find jobs.

One way to do this is to sign up with Fiverr. Fiverr is one of the best kept secrets on the internet. It is a place where people sell and people buy all sorts of services for $5.

How does this help you as a writer? You can offer your writing services for $5 a project. I know that doesn't sound like much but it can make a difference. You will likely be able to do a job in fifteen minutes. Get enough of them and you are making some money.

More importantly, it helps you to develop your skills as a writer. You will get the experience you need to get bigger jobs that will actually pay the bills.

I also suggest Fiverr as a place for you to buy services. Are you self-publishing a book? You can get a book cover designed for $5. I have had a logo designed there. You will be amazed at what you can find.

So go and check out Fiverr.

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